Open Enclave  0.14.0
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◆ oe_verify_attestation_certificate_with_evidence()

oe_result_t oe_verify_attestation_certificate_with_evidence ( uint8_t *  cert_in_der,
size_t  cert_in_der_len,
oe_verify_claims_callback_t  claim_verify_callback,
void *  arg 


This function performs a custom validation on the input certificate. This validation includes extracting an attestation evidence extension from the certificate before validating this evidence. An optional claim_verify_callback could be passed in for a calling client to further validate the claims of the enclave creating the certificate. OE_FAILURE is returned if the expected certificate extension OID is not found.

[in]cert_in_dera pointer to buffer holding certificate contents in DER format
[in]cert_in_der_lensize of certificate buffer above
[in]claim_verify_callbackcallback routine for custom claim checking
[in]argan optional context pointer argument specified by the caller when setting callback
Return values
OE_OKon a successful validation
OE_VERIFY_FAILEDon quote failure
OE_INVALID_PARAMETERAt least one parameter is invalid
OE_FAILUREgeneral failure
otherappropriate error code