Open Enclave  0.14.0
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◆ oe_get_target_info_v2()

oe_result_t oe_get_target_info_v2 ( const uint8_t *  report,
size_t  report_size,
void **  target_info_buffer,
size_t *  target_info_size 

Extracts additional platform specific data from the report and writes it to target_info_buffer.

After calling this function, the target_info_buffer can used for the opt_params field in oe_get_report.

For example, on SGX, the target_info_buffer can be used as a sgx_target_info_t for local attestation.

[in]reportThe report returned by oe_get_report.
[in]report_sizeThe size of report in bytes.
[out]target_info_bufferThis points to the platform specific data upon success.
[out]target_info_sizeThis is set to the size of target_info_buffer on success.
Return values
OE_OKThe platform specific data was successfully extracted.
OE_INVALID_PARAMETERAt least one parameter is invalid.
OE_OUT_OF_MEMORYFailed to allocate memory.